
Tuesday, September 20, 2005



  • Hi Beck!

    I love your blog! Can I put a picture of the Banana Island train on my blog? Please?

    I love you.

    By Blogger Monkey, at 7:07 AM  

  • Hi McKenna,

    School is going pretty good and I like my teachers a lot. Monkey is doing good too. He is king today.

    I want to see the next story on your blog.

    Hi Pete,

    You're cute. My cat's name is K.C. He's big and furry.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 AM  

  • Hi Beck. I have always been mad about trains too, and because I'm from England I used to go to this place a lot:

    It's the National Rail Museum site. My favourites were always the Mallard and The Flying Scotsman. We have a big train station in my hometown and when I was a little boy we still had some steam trains come through, but that was many years ago and I can just about remember them working before the diesels came in 100%. I also was, and still am, a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine and I'm going to teach my son English so that I can read the stories to him as the don't have them in portuguese :o(.

    By Blogger Hypersonic, at 8:23 PM  

  • Mr. Yak... all trains are fun.

    Alastair! ~ Beck is going to love your comment! He knows all about the Mallard. We have an entire book on just that one train. The Mallard was one of the fastest steam engines ever made. I can't wait to take him to museums like the one you're talking about. We've been to quite a few in the States, but as soon as he's 8 or so, we're going overseas. I keep telling him about train travel in the UK, and Europe and what the Chunnel is like. He can't wait!

    Of course, Thomas is the best. FYI, if you can get the playsets and track down there, do so. Beck started playing with that stuff at 18 months, and he still does at six. It's incredible! Expensive, but worth the investment if you have a train enthusiast on your hands.

    Your little pumpkin is adorable. You have so much to look forward to. I never knew how wonderful kids were until I had one.

    Monkey's Human

    By Blogger Monkey, at 8:29 PM  

  • Monkey's Human: I'm going to look out for that stuff, but trains are a real rarity here. IN Recife which is about 4 hours north of here and where I used to live there is a lovely old rail station designed and built by British and French architects and engineers. It was negleted for decades but about 5 years ago they decided to reform it. But it only has a couple of old steam trains inside. Next time I fo I'll take some pictures and send them to you and Beck. I have a friend here ( English) that was researching the rail development here in the NE of Brazil but I have been out of touch with him for a while.

    Train Fact: Here in Brazil steam trains were called Maria Fumaça(/foomassa/), or "Smokey Marys".

    By Blogger Hypersonic, at 11:41 AM  

  • Oh! I forgot this link.

    It's fascinating.

    By Blogger Hypersonic, at 11:48 AM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:13 AM  

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